Dewa Athena
10:11 PM
Dewa Athena is an annual event that held by SMAN 3 Bandung. This event is a sport competition between classes, which cater to grade 10 and grade 11. Every class wear their own jersey. This event was held for several days. For this year, for the grade 10, Dewa Athena held on March 25, 2017 and April 1,2017. This event was held at Bali yard, from 7 AM until 3 PM.
Many games were matched at Dewa Athena, such as soccer, basketball, badminton, gobak sodor, tug of war, volleyball, dodgeball, relay, etc. On March 25, 2017, i participated at many games : gobak sodor, relay, tug of war and dodgeball. My class played two times for gobak sodor. For me, the funniest game at Dewa Athena is gobak sodor, i like that kind of game very much. It was tiring, but fun. On the second day, April 1, 2017, i just participate at soccer game because i have to attend the religion class at 9 AM with my friends (the soccor game held at 7.50 AM).
For each game, there is a fine that must be paid by each class if the class didn't participate at the game. For example, class X didn't participate at futsal, then that class will be charged a fine of Rp 100,000. My class charged Rp 100.000 because we didn't participate at the volley ball game (there wasn't enough players).
I think, this event is a good event. This event can increase the solidarity of each class, teach the students to play honestly, discipline and to accept defeat.